Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Experience 1

Yea, now I’m waiting for the IGCSE math paper 2 examinations. This is the first time I do international examination. The first time and perhaps the last time I do it. In this occasion I would like to share you about my experience while doing IGCSE international examination.
Well, international examination, it sounds great for you that not get it yet right? Emm, actually it was great for the other people, but it was not good for the person who joined the international examination, because that person that will face the examination and that person only that got the feeling for joined it. Same with me, I
am joining international examination and that sounds great in my parent’s ear and the people who not join in. But, for me it’s not too great, it was a challenge for me, I must study hard to get a good mark and beside study about the subject, we also must study about the language if we are not from the eastern. It’s like a load for me, because if I don’t get the good mark, where I must put my face in front of the school, my parents, or someone that very deserving to me.  That was the first think that I thought about international examination.
In IGCSE examination also there was so many rules that must be obeyed by all the candidates. If they disobey to the rules the will be disqualified and their examination will be cancelled. No tolerant for that. Before I came to the rooms, I and all my friends must make a line beside the class and we must put all unauthorized thing on the box and empty our pockets. Than the invigilator will call our candidate’s number and we can enter the rooms. In the examination room, we shouldn’t make any sound include the sound when we pull the chair. We must keep the rooms silent.
IGCSE international examination was begun. I did it with all my brain, with all things that I already knew. Something that should be very easy became very difficult and I don’t know why. The invigilator never let the candidates look around or make something strange when doing international examination. The examination was very silent. I as one of the candidates cannot do anything except answered the questions.
Five minutes before the end of the examination, the invigilator will say to us and at the end of the examination, the invigilator will ask us to stop working and put all the pens down. Then they will come to our table one by one and take our examination paper. After it finish, the invigilator will let us to leave the room but one by one. The examination is over.

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